Dylan Skye Hart

Hollywood Horn Recording Artist

The Ocsar's award

40 + Oscar Nominated Films

The Grammy's Award

35 + Grammy Nominated ALBUMS

The Emmy's Awards

26 + Emmy Nominated SHOWS


When you think of the Hollywood symphonic studio sound, you think French horns. Dylan embodies the rich tradition of recording artists with his buttery tone, incredible efficiency, and fun personality. With thousands of sessions under his belt, Dylan has the experience it takes to put out highly polished and professional recordings.

While you may not know Dylan Skye Hart by name, you've certainly heard him play the horn. This playlist is a small sampling of his work.


Spotify PLaylist


Meet Dylan

Proud Latino and Los Angeles native, Dylan is a busy freelance musician. Depending on the day, he can be found recording for video games, motion pictures, theme parks, or television shows. 

Work with Dylan

Remote Recording

High quality remote recording exactly to your specifications. Whatever your project is, Dylan can get you the tracks you need.


Dylan has given masterclasses all over the world. Whether you want a topic-specific lecture or general Q&A, Dylan’s classes are both entertaining & educational.

A french horn

Mouthpiece Fittings

Take the mystery and struggle out of choosing a mouthpiece. Dylan will use his knowledge of anatomy, physics, and products to find the best fit for you.

Private Lessons

Looking to improve your tone? Auditioning for a school or orchestra? Set up a lesson and start your road to mastery.

Film & Television

