Interested in having Dylan speak with your horn or composition students? His areas of specialty for brass players include: Hollywood sessions, air tips/tricks, the art of not buzzing, physics of horn playing, recording from home, and the anatomy of the body in relationship to playing. Dylan also specializes in speaking to composition students about writing for the horn, including the extended techniques of the instrument and demonstrating additional gear often used in film scores to give the instrument different colors.
Mouthpieces are an extremely personal piece of equipment and can really make a large difference in your playing. While you may borrow a horn from time to time, you rarely try someone else’s mouthpiece. Dylan thinks of a mouthpiece as the equivalent to a wand in Harry Potter. The right one will choose you. However, it is very hard to find somewhere that has enough variety of stock to allow you to get an understanding of what is best for you and large range of variants that mouthpiece makers include in their different lines of mouthpieces. Mouthpiece variants include: inner diameter, cup depth, cup shape, metal type, bore size, etc. Early in Dylan’s career he worked in brass retail and ending up fitting hundreds of players for mouthpieces. Through this he learned to custom fit a mouthpiece to the player. In addition, he owns over 200 mouthpieces, including entire lines of mouthpieces. He can do a mouthpiece fitting virtually or in person.
Horn lessons are available per service online or in person. If you are interested in studying with Dylan long-term, please consider applying to California State University, Northridge.
Custom Mouthpiece
Dylan partnered with John Mason, Brett Kendall, and John Snell to design the DH Mouthpiece, a powerful tool that centers easily and has a versatility of color.