Modern Brass Quintet Recital (2013). Jan Bach's Rounds and Dances: III. Carioca.

For decades the Modern Brass Quintet has established itself as one of Los Angeles's foremost proponents of brass chamber music.  With a stalwart dedication to the performance of serious repertoire for brass quintet, the group has included some of Los Angeles's most venerated performing musicians.  In its current iteration, the Modern Brass Quintet includes trumpeters Marissa Bennedict and Daniel Rosenboom, horn player Dylan Hart, trombonist Steven Suminski, and tubist Doug Tornquist.

As advocates for the performance and expansion of the canon of brass quintet literature, the Modern Brass Quintet has given world premieres, as well as US and West Coast premieres, of many new compositions, and has championed some of the lesser known gems within the repertoire. The group is also dedicated to the continuing establishment of the brass quintet as a serious and respected form of chamber music, and actively seeks compelling composers to collaborate with in the expansion of the repertoire. With an ear for variety and a respect for history and lineage, the group performs music from all eras, and draws the line from old to new with grace, elegance and dedication.